Welcome to the gateway page for "Yesterday Lost" Seven images accompany this episode. As I'm sure you all know by now, the htm format has the images, the .doc format does not, so if you want images, check out the htm one. As a note and I guess kind of a warning, this episode has a very important ending... ;)
Star Trek
Enterprise, NCC-1701-A is on its way home from the Khitomer
accord to be decomissioned. The crew know that it is their time,
but also wish that they wouldn't have to leave their home behind.
However, before they can reach Earth, a spatial anomaly appears
directly in front of them. They stop to investigate, but when the
anomaly dissappears, in it's place is a starship that is
identified as the USS Dragon, NCC-27749-B. Captain Kirk takes a
team over to investigate, only to find the entire crew
unconcious...and they all soon learn that the Dragon crew was not
the only ones there from the future...